Nano Silver and Gabchems Nano Silver

Silver is great, beautiful and a protector! This shiny metal is considered to be a natural antibiotic, which means that it kills bacterias. This property of silver is also known to men long before our times, it dates back to ancient times. For instance; wealthy romans used silver containers to keep their food fresh for longer periods, and they used silver knives and forks. Additionally, Hippocrates first explained its antibacterial properties in 400 bc, but it was a mystery how silver works as a deterrent against bacterias.

Bacterias are evolving micro-creatures, this makes them to adapt to a given environment including medicines and antibiotics. Silver however, Works in a different way; A research that was conducted by a team led by James Collins, a biomedical engineer at Boston University in Massachusetts found that; silver ions attack the cell of a bacteria in two main ways: First, it makes the cell membrane more vulnerable, and secondly, it disrupts the cell’s metabolism, leading to the overproduction of reactive, and often toxic, oxygen compounds.

Gabchems Nano Silver Disinfectant is a highly effective air and surface disinfecant product. It is a type 2 biocidal product and developed as a result of extensive R&D projects conducted by Gabchems R&D team. In order to comply with the biocidal standards, the chemical compund of the disinfectant should not harm the environment and human body. In this sense Silver was the best option. However, silver by itself is only an antibacterial and does not meet with biocidal standards alone. This is why our R&D team managed to form a special formula using silver and as a result Gabchems Nano Silver Air and Surface Disnfectant met the standards for type 2 biocidal disinfectant products.